All 8th grade students will complete four activities on SmartFutures - CTC/CPACTC, Budgeting, Career Cluster & Pathways, & My Work Values Survey.
The Cumberland/Perry Area Career and Technical Center allows our students to gain hands-on experience of working in a trade-related career. In addition to taking a field trip to our local CTC, students will take a virtual tour that allows them to understand the work behind career fields such as human service and hospitality, transportation, and advanced manufacturing (to name a few).
Budgeting -
Now that I have a do I safely keep track of all of my new income? Budgeting allows individuals to strategize precisely how much they are able to spend on certain luxuries based on certain bills or fees that are required to be paid off within a given time frame, such as, house/rent, car, heating & A/C, etc. Through budgeting, individuals can learn how to not overspend with the money that they earn to ensure that there is enough for both comfort and emergency use.
Career Cluster & Pathways -
How do I narrow down my interests into one particular career field? What if I'm not sure how my interests relate to any specific career? By completing this activity, students will learn how their interests and abilities can often relate to the type of job that might be best suitable for their future. Especially for those students who don't have any idea as to what their future holds, this activity is a great starting point.
My Work Values Survey -
In this interactive lesson, students are given multiple work values and are instructed to pick their top 20 in a "this or that" format. This will help students determine what types of work environments are best and most suitable for them, and how to explore what careers fit those choices.