On the Susquenita district campus, our students and staff have access to a state funded system of databases, called POWER Library and interlibrary loan through ACCESS-PA.
ON CAMPUS, this can be accessed using the following links:
Alphabetical List
Subject List
All POWER Kids E-Resources
If you are a Susquenita student, you will have a direct POWER Library link on your desktop when logging in to any district computer. For staff, just highlight, copy and paste the web address above into your Internet browser and you will automatically link.
OFF CAMPUS, however, POWER Library is password-protected and is not accessible unless a public library card number is used.
The link below will open the website for the Marysville-Rye (Public) Library. If you are a
Marysville-Rye Twp.resident and/or have a card from this library, called your "home library", you can open the POWERLibrary/ACCESS-PA link on their website, then enter your library card number.
If you are a resident of Duncannon Borough, New Buffalo Twp., Penn Twp. orWheatfield Twp., you currently do not have a "home library."*
However, if you are a Susquenita student, the
Marysville-Rye Library will give you a card FOR FREE! You may also use this card at the Dauphin County Library System and others as well.
POWER Library, funded by the state, has unfortunately undergone many cut-backs, and may continue to do so. Some of the databases that you have seen and used before may no longer be available.