Apple Distinguished School

Apple Distinguished Recognition
Student Using iPad

We are excited to announce that Susquenita Middle School has been named an Apple Distinguished School for the years 2023-2026. This is the very first time the middle school has received this honor. This recognition was earned by the entire staff who have committed to ensuring that all our students' educational needs are met. They have dedicated time to staying up-to-date with the latest technology and incorporating it into their classrooms on a daily basis. 

All our students are equipped with iPads, while teachers are supported in a 2:1 MacBook, iPad technology implementation. Our teachers also have Apple TV in each classroom to allow for collaboration. Having access to these tools encourage and assist our teachers in focusing on forward-thinking education. Susquenita Middle School is devoted to continuing to use Apple technology to inspire, imagine and impact both teaching and learning. 


iPad Activity 


Below are three videos created by our staff to with the purpose of demonstrating Apple's vision of exemplary learning with Apple technology.