Melvil Dewey's amazing hundreds groups
for (mostly) non-fiction
Legend says that Dewey was able to classify all human knowledge into 9 very
general categories by thinking like a"primitive caveman who asked himself questions
about the world around him. The answers to these questions"systematically"led him
to"acquire knowledge as he explored the world around him. Later, during this process,
the caveman"was able to determine what was important in his own life and
in the lives of his fellow cavepeople.
General Information and Reference Works, Unexplained Phenomena
Library Science, Computer Science, Journalism, Encyclopedias, Quotations
(Miscellaneous topics--these were added later)
Philosophy and Psychology
Also Logic, Ethics, Parapsychology
(Answers "Who am I?")
200's (some topics here are considered fiction by some, rather than non-fiction)
Mythology and Religion
Greek & Roman Myths, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism
(Answers "Who created me?")
300's"(some topics here are considered to be fiction, such as fairytales, folklore, etc.)
Social Sciences
Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Law, Economics, Military, Occupations, Education, Commerce, Folklore, Fairytales, Customs
(Answers "Who are the people in the next cave and how can I learn about them and get along with them?")
All types and forms of language, both classical and modern, plus sign language
(Answers "How can I communicate with others in the next cave and beyond?")
Mathematics and Natural Science
Nature, Math, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Paleontology,
"Biology (plants & animals)
(Answers "How can I learn about Nature and the world around me?")
Applied Science & Technology
Medicine, Health, Engineering, Farming, Inventions, Manufacturing, Construction
(Answers "How can I use what I know about Nature for my benefit?")
Fine Arts and Recreation
Architecture, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Music, Sports, Games
(Answers "What can I do in my spare time?")
800's"(entire hundreds group is made up of fiction topics)
American and European Literature, also classical and modern, plus Poetry, Drama
(Answers "How can I pass down great stories and legends to my children, to both"teach them and entertain them?")
History, Geography and Biography (Collective)
Travel, History by continent, Genealogy
(Answers "How can I record my experiences, travels and the people I've met, for others to learn from?")