
What Parents Can Do

Please take some time to review just a few of the ways you can promote and ensure health, wellness, and safety among the student body.

  • Please keep your child home if he/she has an elevated temperature (100 degrees or above).

  • Please use your best judgment. If your child is experiencing frequent episodes of vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, and/or severe cold symptoms, please consider keeping them home even if they do not have a temperature.

  • Please notify the school nurse if your child develops a communicable disease or condition for example: chicken pox, head lice, impetigo, pink eye, ringworm, etc.

  • Please keep all phone numbers, including home, work, cell, and emergency numbers, current with the school office.

  • Please notify the school nurse if your child has sustained any injuries and requires a gym excuse, use of elevator, and/or special equipment or accommodations are needed. A physicians note indicating restrictions and/or accommodations is needed.

  • Please encourage your child to dress appropriately for the weather and according to the school dress code policy. Please take some time to review the dress code policy. Students will need to correct any dress code violations before starting the school day. Extra clothing is available in the nurse's office for emergency situations only.

  • Please encourage your child/children to eat a nutritional breakfast every day. Children, who eat breakfast daily, have more energy to learn and less health complaints.

  • Any medication administered at school MUST have a physician's written order and written parental permission on file. The health room has Tylenol, Tums, Cough drops, Neosporin, Calamine Lotion, Benadryl, and Epi Pen (for life-threatening allergic reaction) available if needed. Our school physician has provided the school with these OTC medication orders. Written parental permission is needed and can be done by completing Infosnap at the start of each school year.

  • All medication must be brought to school by an adult with the exception of inhalers, eye drops, and ointments.

  • Treat minor symptoms at home before sending your child to school. This teaches your child self care and responsibility

  • Be thorough and accurate each year when completing Infosnap. Please update the nurse throughout the year with any new health updates and/or medicine changes.

The School Nurse is your resource. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's health, please don't hesitate to contact me via phone or email.

Thank you for your help.


Americans can return to public life if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours and symptoms are improving, regardless of a positive test.

When they return to normal activities, the CDC recommended people use preventative strategies for the next five days. This includes limiting close contact with others (as much as possible), enhancing hygiene like hand-washing, improving ventilation (going outside, etc), masking and testing as needed.

CDC updates and simplifies respiratory virus recommendations | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Respiratory Virus Guidance (

PA State Health Requirements

Middle School Exams Needed

6th graders need a physical exam:

The Pennsylvania School Health Law requires all children in 6th grade to have a physical exam. It is preferred that your child's pediatrician or family physician perform the exam since he/she is most familiar with your child. Please have your physician fill out the private physical exam form and return it to the school nurse. Physical exams can be completed up to one year prior to the start of school.

7th graders need a dental exam:

The Pennsylvania School Health Law requires all children to have a dental exam in 7th grade. It is preferred that your child's dentist perform the exam since they are the most familiar with your child. Please have your dentist fill out the private dental form and return it to the school nurse. Dental exams can be completed up to one year prior to the start of school.

The other option is to have your child's physician or dentist fax a copy of the exam to the attention of Mrs. Reed, School Nurse, at 717-957-6022.If you have any questions about the above information, please feel free to contact me. I thank you for your cooperation in carrying out this state requirement.

Physical Exam Form

Dental Form Exam

Height/Weight/BMI Screening

Who: All Students

When: First Marking Period

Why: Required by PA Department of Health

The goal of the PA Department of Health is to increase parent/guardian awareness of the Body Mass Index measurement as a screening tool to assess growth patterns in children and youth and how they relate to their health. Being underweight can cause harm to their kidneys, muscles and bones, and may lead to anemia. Being overweight can put children at risk for heart disease, diabetes, breathing problems, depression, and increases their risk of being overweight as an adult.

Good nutrition and a healthy weight are essential for good health, and healthy children learn better!

How: The school nurse assesses all students' height and weight maintaining their privacy and confidentiality. These measurements are used to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Mass Percentile (BMI%) using the calculator provider by the CDC.

A letter will be sent home to inform parent/guardian of the student's BMI for awareness of his/her current growth pattern. You are encouraged to share this information with the student's physician. If you do not wish to receive this letter, please complete the BMI OPT OUT form at the beginning of each school year.

If there are any questions or concerns, please contact the school nurse.

CDC Fact Sheet on Body Mass Index (BMI)

Medication Administration

Medication Available at School:

The school nurse is approved to administered the over the counter medications listed on the Returning Student Form. This includes Tylenol (acetaminophen), Pepto-bismol/Tums, cough drops, Neosporin (triple antibiotic ointment), Benadryl (diphenhydramine), and Epi-Pen (for emergency situations only).

Please complete the Returning Student Form on Infosnap as soon as possible.

Prescribed Medications & Over the Counter Medications:

If your child will be taking medication during school hours, other than those listed above, you are required to provide the school nurse with the following information:

  • Medication Order Form completed by Physician with a parent signature

  • Prescribed Medications

  • Over the counter medications (example- Ibuprofen, sinus medication, eye drops, etc.) are required to have a Physician order with parent signature

  • Bring to school in original container with label

  • Medication is to brought to school by parent/guardian with the exception of inhalers, eye drops, and ointments

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school nurse for assistance.

Type 1 Diabetes Information

Type 1 Diabetes Parent Fact Sheet

Type 1 Diabetes Parent Fact Sheet - Spanish

This type 1 diabetes information was developed pursuant to the Pennsylvania School Code and is for school entities and nonpublic schools to provide to parents and guardians of incoming elementary school students and students entering grade six, beginning with the 2025-2026 School Year.

Tick Removal

Ticks found in Pennsylvania may carry germs that can make people sick. The most common illness caused by tick bites is Lyme disease. Not all ticks make you sick. Ticks must be attached for at least 24 hours to give you Lyme disease.

Health Room Tick Removal Form

Health Room Tick Removal Form - Spanish